Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Name

My Mother has forgotten my name. And sometimes who I am, even when she is looking at me. She still seems to like me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Noticing the Loss

My Mother has always been a bit flaky, but usually knew what was going on. At 85 years old she copes pretty well. Over the last year she has been losing her words. At first, coming to a person's name or a place and losing the words. Having four kids, she always used to run through the other 3 before she came to yours, so not that noticeable at first. As the holidays approached, it happened more and more and my Father started telling me about things that had been going on day to day. Mom is losing brain function. She gets frustrated, but for the most part is good natured about it. After the holidays we did a little research and found the Memory Clinic here in RI. After going through their questionnaire, it looks like she is dealing with some dimentia, leaning toward Alzheimer's. She has an appointment to be evaluated on May 1st. Best to face this head on and get a little  help with the resources to what could be a long, challenging road. And we begin....