Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Day Before the Memory Clinic

In the last few month Mom has been doing well. Mother's Day she was very good. She seems most prone to losing her words or a name when she is tired or stressed. She took a bit of a fall and bumped her head last week. 12 stitches later and she seems back to base line. In the course of the week, she thought that Dad was her Father for a minute. We had a little visit on Wednesday and she seemed OK. Her appointment at the Memory Clinic was delayed until tomorrow. I'm going to go with my parents for support and to see for myself what the evaluation tells us. I'm worried, but glad to know that we will have a diagnosis for what we're dealing with. Trying to be supportive of my Dad as his sweetheart slips away from him in front of his eyes. Yes, it makes me sad.